UCC Settlement

UCC Settlement


The class action suit filed by Lukins & Annis has been settled and those who signed up as part of the class have been paid. If a person or company did not specifically opt out of the class action suit, they are bound by the settlement and cannot file a new law suit for the same greivence. It does not matter what state they are in or even if they were not aware of the suit.

Case Overview

This lawsuit claims that businesses that paid membership fees to UCC and acquired a company prefix from UCC prior to August 28, 2002, are not obligated to pay annual “renewal fees” to UCC.Uniform Code Council reaches $3.89 million settlement with long-time members in renewal fee action. The parties have reached a tentative $3,895,000 settlement in an USA nationwide action filed against the Uniform Code Council, Inc. on behalf of all persons that paid a membership fee to and acquired a company prefix from UCC prior to August 28, 2002, and to whom UCC mailed an unreturned “renewal invoice” for membership in UCC, or who otherwise paid a renewal fee to UCC.

The settlement provides that:

Annual Renewal Fees

If you paid a membership fee to UCC prior to August 28, 2002, you will be entitled to perpetual membership in UCC and not be obligated to pay annual renewal fees to UCC, either now or in the future, as a condition for continued membership in UCC, or as a condition for your continued use of the company prefix issued to you before August 28, 2002. However, this does not apply to any company prefix(es) issued to you by UCC after August 28, 2002.

UCC's Licensing Agreement

If you are such a member, UCC's "licensing agreement" which pertains to your company prefix and accompanied UCC's renewal invoice will be declared null and void.


If you are such a member and you have paid the renewal fee, you are entitled to compensation from the settlement fund.


If you are such a member, you will be entitled to basic membership benefits, which are:

Enhanced Benefits

Such payment entitles members to certain enhanced benefits:

If you file a claim for reimbursement of your annual renewal fee, such enhanced benefits will not be available to you, unless you begin paying annual renewal fees sometime in the future. Your share of the settlement fund will depend on how much you paid UCC as a renewal fee and on the number of class members who file claims seeking compensation from the fund. As illustration, if every single eligible class member timely filed a claim, your gross recovery would be roughly 48% of the renewal fee you paid. Similarly, if half of the eligible class members file claims, your gross recovery would be roughly 100% of the renewal fee you paid.


Sidang tersebut memutuskan bahwa UCC melanggar kontraknya sendiri dengan pelanggan dengan mencoba mengharuskan mereka membayar biaya tambahan yang tidak diperlukan. Untuk mengikuti penyelesaian ini, pelanggan harus menyerahkan formulir klaim bercap pos paling lambat tanggal 10 Maret 2004.

UCC mulai mengirimkan faktur “biaya perpanjangan” tahunan kepada anggotanya yang ada mulai bulan November 2002 dan terus mengirimkan faktur tersebut hingga Juni 2003. Beberapa bisnis yang menerima faktur tersebut membayar biaya perpanjangan yang tidak perlu.

Pengadilan menyatakan bahwa pelanggan yang menjadi anggota UCC sebelum 28 Agustus 2002, tidak berkewajiban membayar biaya perpanjangan tahunan sebagai syarat untuk melanjutkan keanggotaan di UCC atau sebagai syarat untuk terus menggunakan kode perusahaan yang dikeluarkan kepada mereka oleh UCC sebelum 28 Agustus 2002. Gugatan tersebut juga berupaya untuk mengembalikan kerugian bagi mereka yang membayar faktur “biaya perpanjangan”.

Regarding the class action law suit brought by the law firm:
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